Beginner's Corner

Grow with your daughter or son

We accompany you along with your son or daughter in this sport
CAPA wants to help you grow with your child within the world of figure skating. A great majority of us approached this sport without having known it before.

It is true that throughout life, our sons and daughters may end up being taller and stronger than us and also smarter and more proficient in other languages. What is not logical is that, sometimes, with just 6 or 7 years, they already speak a language that we barely understand: salchow, metz, turen ... Many of us have wondered in which cartoons they speak like this.
Well, no. They have not learned it by watching television but from day to day in training. Roller skating is an unknown world for many of us. All or almost all people know about football, basketball, tennis ... but if we asked on the street, almost no one would know what "the kick to the moon" is, much less any of the words that I have mentioned. before.

That is why this section comes to help you as parents. This link wants to be a meeting point where you can find information about that sport your daughters are getting into. We will teach you to:
  • that you know the different types of roller skating that exist
  • which are practiced in the club
  • what are the Madrid Skating Federation exams
  • what levels exist and what do they require of the skaters
  • what should you take into account when buying skates
  • how you can change bearings.
  • ...
We hope to help you maintain a fluid conversation with your children about skating and so, the next time your daughter tells you that she is already getting "the English jump" ... you will know what she is talking about.

Artistic Skating Modalities

In a brief way, we define this ethyl as the performance on the track, with musical accompaniment (freely chosen by the skater) of Jumps, Twists, Steps (standing work) and Pirouettes, according to the technical regulations required by category and level.

The Skater must walk with only one foot (that is, one foot on the circle and the other raised off the ground by the perfectly stretched leg), on some circles drawn on the track. You must perform the movements on the circle, without deviating from the line drawn on the floor.

Dance in figure skating, we must divide it into three sections:

Depending on the number and quality of the skaters, these are divided into:

Questions about skates

  • My daughter is going to start skating, what skates should I buy for her?

    If your son or daughter is going to start skating, especially if they are young, the ideal is that you do not spend a lot of money on skates. In the beginning, the really important thing is that you have a good time and that you have fun. Any inexpensive skate of the many that you will find in generic sports stores and large surfaces will do, it will be enough.

  • What tools should be carried in the bag?

    Although it is always easy for a partner to have the tool you need. We recommend carrying in the bag, along with the skates:

  • What type of wheels should I have?

    There are basically four types of wheels:

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